


Basing Our Opinions on a Scriptural Foundation 

     Recently I was ‘assured’ by a youth group leader that a particular Wii dance that my daughter would be involved in would not be inappropriate or un-Christ like, yet when I researched it online, I was shocked!  I must have missed the place where the Bible says to listen to secular songs that glorify reckless, casual male/female relationships, sex outside of marriage, immodesty, and general bad behavior, as well as encourage kids to make idols of themselves.  I am talking about Wii Dance – in particular ‘Summer Party’. Not that any of them are edifying to the Christian mind and heart.

  "Oh, but that's just innocent fun!", one might say. Yet I challenge that. 

I took a look at the words to most of the songs, looked at the dance moves and the attire, and felt the thumping music and it seemed like I was back at one of the night clubs I used to frequent before I was saved. Yes, the nightclubs that young, mostly single guys and girls went to pick up each other - each girl trying to outdo the other in sexy clothing.  The clubs where women dance in such a way as to draw men to desire them.   After all, we each wanted to be noticed, admired, wanted, accepted, and – if we admit it – worshiped to a certain degree. No one went there in a prairie skirt or danced like David did in the Bible.     

      The music, the thumping beat, the lighting, the lyrics - they all played a part. None of it was meant to glorify God, lead us to live a pure life, cause us to desire to get to know or worship Him...that’s a joke! It was all pure flesh, my friend. Pure flesh. Pure sensuality and immorality. God played no part, nor would He ever have a part in this Sodom and Gomorrah place. I should know. Yet to my utter shock and disgust, some of the same songs that were on the Wii ‘Summer Party’ song list were some of the actual songs that used to play in the clubs!! Yes, you heard right. And the other songs that were unfamiliar to me had the same sort of lyrics, ideas, and moves as the songs I and my friends used to dance to.  If there is a song on the list whose lyrics may not be blatantly sensual, the lyrics are still mostly arrogant and teach the ever-popular worldly ‘Me-ism’ mentality.  (Not to mention most of the singers  live a lifestyle that is completely against God's ways.  Many of their lives are either sexually immoral, immodest,  filled with drug/alcohol abuse, or at the very least, a worldly, materialist viewpoint.) 
         So I have to ask the question - how could a youth leader tell me that they could (quote)  ‘assure that they were not going to play anything inappropriate for the girls to dance to’ and that they were ‘the most concerned about the girls spiritually and their growth than anything else and that is where our standards stay’, and yet still include this Wii dance game as part of their youth group’s party?   Was it simple immaturity in the Lord on the leader's part?  If so, how is it that they were chosen to be a leader?  Or was it desensitization?  Was it that we see so much immorality that we have become numb to its' darkness?  The blinders need to come off, ladies.

      This is a modesty website. So what does all this have to do with modesty?  EVERYTHING!  As I wrote earlier, and as God’s word says, modesty is not just attire. IT STARTS IN THE HEART.  It is a matter of the heart.  That is why God tells us in His word to ‘guard our heart’ because out of it comes the wellsprings of life. What goes into our mind (our ears and eyes) trickles into the heart. The more we watch this kind of behavior, and the more we listen to these kinds of words, the more used to it we become. The more used to it we become, the more it seems ‘normal’ or ‘usual’. The more ‘normal’ or ‘usual’ it seems to us, the more desensitized we become and we begin the think it is o.k. with God – that it is totally acceptable for Christians to become involved in because, hey, everybody else (other Christians) is doing it.
So what does God word say about making about making our own moral decisions? Look here, friend :
Judges 21:25

In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

Deut. 12:8

“You shall not do according to all the things that we do here this day, every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes”.

Don’t just take my word for this, ladies. Check it out yourselves. And if you personally play these Wii dance games, or make decisions based on what others say is morally acceptable, I challenge you to seek God’s word on this and be open to what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell you.

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