

TEEN GIRLS: "But guys don't notice me!"

This is a COMMON feeling among young girls. They feel like if/when they dress and act modestly, guys just don't notice them. They see the other girls with the skinny jeans 'having all the fun' and 'getting all the attention'. The short shorts and bare tank tops are what seems to draw the boys. Why bother dressing modestly when even the 'CHRISTIAN boys' don't appreciate it? (Or so it seems.....)

I just read the following post from a teen on this very subject, and I must say that her heart's cry is more common than she thinks. I urge you, teen girl, to take a look:

Proverbs 31 Wannabe: An Open Letter to Conservative Christian Guys


I just viewed this video from a young guy who, albeit sarcastically, truthfully shares what decent Christian  guys really want girls to be like:

Girls...don't be impatient!  Keep dressing and acting modestly and femininely and don't cave in to the pressure to try to get a guy to notice you by
acting flirty or dressing flirty.  Want respect? BE respectful!

I wouldn't recommend all 'Messy Monday's' videos, nor have I viewed them, but there are a few that really hit home. 

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